Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Chinchil Mission Trip October 2014

First of all, we'd like to thank you for your prayers for our mission trip to the mountain village of Chinchil where Pastor Josué Tinta is faithfully serving the Lord. Our team consisted of three young ladies from El Manantial Baptist Church, this year's three ARRIBA students, a former ARRIBA student, and a national missionary Delsi Córdova.

Pastor Josué met us in the town of Huacrachuco to take us to Chinchil

After a 3 hour ride in a minivan, we hiked the final hour and a half to Chinchil

Every morning we were able to have special meetings with the students in the schools. Here Eli and Vicky are practicing their drama for the elementary school program.

Singing with the students at the elementary school

Delsi speaking to the high school students

In the mornings Jim taught the adults a study of the Gospel of John chapters 1-8

Different families from the church provided our meals

Noah, Jason and Emily "rounding up" the children for Kids' Club each afternoon

Game time has always been a special time for the children

The ARRIBA students had the opportunity to share object lessons with the children in Spanish 

Each day we had over 100 children who came to the Kids' Club

The Gospel was presented through the lessons and many stayed after the last day to ask us about trusting Christ as their Savior. We were able to talk with many of their need of a Savior and about twenty children/teens made professions of faith.

Monday through Thursday Jim  preached in the evenings

The men from the church singing a special

The ladies with their crafts from the ladies' meetings which Becky taught in the afternoons on Titus 2:4-5.

ARRIBA students and Delsi with some of the children after an evening service

Please pray for Pastor Josué, Zarela and their family as they serve the Lord in Chinchil.